Back to work coaching for mothers

Becoming a mother is an incredible experience - and at the same time it can be very challenging. The lack of sleep, putting your needs aside in order to care for a tiny human, dealing with unpredictable situations, all the hormones - there is a lot going on! I believe that there is a shift occurring in every woman when she becomes a mother, though the nature of this shifts depends very much on your personality, your environment, your needs, etc. But the shift is there, and it can have an impact on the way you perceive your job, your priorities and the way you spend your days. This can be a long process and unfortunately, many employers are not equipped to deal with this shift. So after your maternity leave, you are expected to go back to the same job, with the same tasks, maybe working less hours during the week and just function. 

My aim with this coaching programme is to give you a safe space to reflect and establish what your priorities are as a mother, to determine how you would like to move forward. I want you to feel empowered as you go back to work, clear about what you want and confident to work towards your goals. Most of all, I want to hold the space for you, a space where you can put yourself first for a little moment and reflect on your emotions and goals, before going back to your daily life where you put your tiny human first. At the end, I want to make sure that you go away with an action plan, some ideas to put into place in the coming weeks and months to make that transition from maternity leave to work life more manageable.  

We will work together for around 3 months and 6 coaching sessions, ideally 3 sessions before you return to work and 3 sessions after you return to work. 

Before you return to work

In the first sessions, we will explore where you are at right now, how your life looks like, where your energy goes to and where you’d like it to go to. We’ll look at your job situation before you went on maternity leave, explore how you feel about going back to work and what you ideal work situation would look like. We’ll also address worries that you might have around leaving your little one and use some techniques to work on letting go.  These sessions are about (re-)connecting to yourself and your new life as a mother.

After you return to work

Once you’ve been back to work, we’ll explore how you feel about the current situation, what you’d like to keep, what you’d like to change and how you can feel your best at work. We’ll look at your habits and routines, find out what you’d like to keep and maybe the areas that you’d like to create new habits around. And finally, we’ll dedicate a session on self-care and looking after yourself as a mother. Because you can only show up for your children if you show up for yourself first! (Or as they say in the airplane: always put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others) 

If any of the above resonates with you, I’d love to have a chat with you during a free coffee & connect call to get to know each other and tell you more about my coaching style and way of working.


3-month programme including 6 one-to-one coaching sessions and online support between sessions: 650 CHF 

Sessions take place online or in person in Olten, Switzerland. I coach in English, French, German and Luxembourgish, just get in touch with me in your preferred language.