My journey to coaching
Growing up in the tiny, but pittoresque country of Luxembourg, I spent my childhood dreaming of travelling the world and living by the beach. Plane trips across the globe were part of my life, as my parents and I spent most of our summer vacations visiting family in Singapore, my mother’s home country. After secondary school, like many Luxembourgish students and most of my friends, I moved abroad to study. After four years in the nord of France and a Masters degree in Brighton, it was time to go back home to work in journalism. However, a year later, I decided to follow love (which sounds so cliché) and a job in the beautiful town of Interlaken, Switzerland to move abroad again. In the following years, I worked in traditional employement and developed my career in communications and politics.
The Old Town of Berne, Switzerland (Photo: Lynn Welter)
As for many people, the whole covid-19 crisis took me by surprise and threw a few challenges into my way. From starting a job for the first time as a mum and trying to figure out a new rhythm just two weeks before the first lockdown, to day care closures and not being able to visit my parents, Spring 2020 was a difficult time, even if I consider myself as one of the lucky ones. I started appreciating the joys of at-home yoga to cope with my anxieties and spent hours on video calls with friends. After summer, as the second wave hit Switzerland in its full force and the days grew shorter, greyer and colder, my self-care routine did not seem enough anymore and I started doing something that I hadn’t taken the time to do in a very long time: journaling. Once I started, it felt like I couldn’t stop and I spent hours (or as long as my son would nap) reflecting on what was important to me and what my goals in life were. And suddenly, it became clear to me that I wanted to help other people see that clarity that I had found in their own lives and the idea of training as a coach was born!
I embarked on this journey in January 2021 and am currently working towards my degree with Animas Coaching. As a coach-in-training, I guide you in finding new ways to live a purposeful life.
What can I support you with?
Find more clarity in your life and career
Define your path and following your goals
Develop a self-care routine and habits that stick
Gain confidence to put your dreams into reality
Organise the little time you have as a parent to be creative and productive
Learn about your values and define your goals in your personal and work life
I was uncertain what to expect from coaching before starting my degree. What I noticed during my practice sessions is that coaching can not only help you make a transformational shift in your life, but it can also make the everyday struggles and recurring thoughts so much lighter. Shifts often occur in little steps, steps that might stay unnoticed at the beginning, but that can have a powerful impact on your life.
Working with a life coach has helped me feel more confident in myself, find my future path and simply be more present, be it in life in general or when spending time with my son. I have thought about my values and the importance of bringing those into my business as well as learned how to identify limiting beliefs and putting them on trial.
If this is something that resonates with you, feel free to reach out to me. I’m currently offering free sessions for practice clients as part of my training.