Hello Spring!

One evening, around two weeks ago, I suddenly realised that something had shifted: we’d finally hit once again the season where we didn’t have to turn on the lights at dinner time and the sun was just setting when bedtime for the boys started. (Full disclaimer: we have dinner around 6/6.15pm and bedtime starts at 7pm). The dark winter days were finally coming to an end. This time round, I made an effort to embrace the season, to make a list of joyful activities for winter (spa days, a solo trip to the UK with walks by the beach), to focus on those things that I only can do during this season (hot beverages, ice-skating, Christmas markets). Yet when I noticed that I soon wouldn’t be waking up in the dark and putting the kids to sleep in the dark, I could feel my mood brighten.

Spring symbolises a fresh start, a new season, but also flowers that start blooming, trees that grow leaves again after a bare winter. To me, it feels more natural to set intentions for the months and year ahead in Spring than in January - in the middle of winter when the days are short and grey and our body naturally craves more rest.

Journaling prompts for Spring

In order to welcome Spring and find some clarity in the season ahead, I have prepared some questions / journaling prompts to reflect on.

  • How has your year been so far?

  • What do you want to let go of?

  • How to you want to feel by the end of the year?

  • What is your intention for the new season?

  • How do you want to prioritse joy this Spring?

If you’d like to explore these ideas a bit more and find some clarity as you embark on this new season, I offer a 90-min deep dive coaching session where I hold the space for your thoughts and reflections. You can book a first free coaching session (30 mins) so we can get to know each other first or contact me directly.




Insights from my first solo trip abroad without kids