Goodbye Spring, hello Summer!
Another month, another quarter, another half year, another season is coming to an end. And if that was not enough, for my family this end of June marks the end of a little era in our lives: we've moved out of our apartment close to Bern to a town house in Olten.
This apartment was the place I've lived the longest in since I left my parents' home to go to university in 2010. It's the place our two boys came home to after their birth, where they spent the first weeks, months, year(s) of their lives. It's the place we spent a lot of time during a worldwide pandemic, where I spent countless hours doing online yoga, learning the basics of coaching, working with practice clients and setting up my business. I have been here through two pregnancies and spent many days working from home in 2020 and 2021. And this move will finally take us away from Bern, the city that I moved to at the end of 2011.
In the midst of all of these changes, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past season and focus on the things that have brought me joy in the past 3 months. These reflections help me feel grounded and are a nice way to remember all the good things that have happened in the past months, because we often tend to forget them really quickly.
Things that brought me joy this Spring:
celebrating my son's 4th birthday. He is definitely not a toddler anymore!
receiving the keys to our new house and seeing how lovely the different parts that we picked look in real life.
an Easter egg hunt and a super proud little kid who found a big chocolate nest.
countless walks while my son rides his bike for the first time this Spring
spending some time with my parents - on my own and with my kids
watching our baby grow into a proper toddler, who doesn't walk but runs, knows exactly what he wants and is learning so many new skills every single day. I love watching him explore things on his own, just observing how he figures out a new toy or builds a Lego tower.
a quiet weekend in France with old friends, just spending time together, cooking food and playing with the kids.
a trip to Paris with my friend, shopping for dresses, walking around and chatting.
a family weekend in Lausanne.
date nights with my husband at different locations that we enjoy.
writing these blog posts and slowly moving forward with my business in a way that brings me joy
slowly getting back to my yoga practice, even if it's far from regular at this point. It took me a while to get back to my body and build up a minimum of core strength after the second birth, and it's been encouraging to notice my body get stronger during yoga.
Summer has been around for a couple of weeks and I've been grateful that we could enjoy our little garden and some waterplay in the past week. It'll be a summer of changes and firsts, with a new home, a new place to explore, a new nursery and the start of Kindergarten. The next six weeks will be a whirlwind of settling in, finding our marks in our new place, getting to know the people around us, going on holidays, until we finally settle into the new routines by mid-August.
In August, I will be launching my newsletter where I will be sharing more about my own experience as a mom, things that are currently on my mind and what I have been enjoying lately. It will be a more personal take on my stories and it will also be the first place to get updates on my services. If you don't want to miss out, drop your mail below :)