Insights from my first solo trip abroad without kids
For the first time since November 2018 - when I was about 4 months pregnant with my first child - I travelled on my own in January. While our children regularly spend a night or two with their grandmother and my husband and I go on a staycation once a year, this was the first time in a very long time that I actually got on an airplane without my family and spent three nights in another country. Here are some insights that I got during this travel.
The first 40 days
In many cultures, the first weeks after birth are a special period, a time where the family comes together to support the mother with her newborn, makes sure that she is taken care of and eats the right food that will help her recovery. My second pregnancy made me reflect on what I could do to make this postpartum period the easiest possible for myself.
Journaling through the newborn phase
No matter how long, complicated or easy the labour, giving birth is strenuous on your body! And it doesn’t end there, with the arrival of a new tiny human. Your body has been running marathons for months, survived the final leg… and now, it has to keep this little person alive. Read how journaling has helped me through this period.
Some personal thoughts on parenting
Parenting seems to be a delicate topic - just like pregnancy, everybody has an opinion on it and is convinced that they know best. I have hesitated to start this category on the blog - yet it is something that I feel passionate about. My aim is not to tell you what is right or wrong - because only you as a parent know that - but I would like to share my experience and with time also suggest some coaching exercises that might make the one or other reader reflect on their situation.