Lynn Lynn

My journey back to work - Part 1

After my first son was born in 2019, I had planned on going back to work after 6 months of maternity and unpaid leave. I was working on a big project which would take place just 6 weeks after I was scheduled to return back to work. I enjoyed a lovely summer with my little baby, meeting up with friends, making new friends and trying to navigate the life of a new mom with all its ups and downs.

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Lynn Lynn


4 years ago, my first son was born. It feels like he has been a part of my life forever and I can’t remember how life before him looked like. At times I wonder what I did which all the free time that I had before he was born. At the same time, the last 4 years have changed our lives completely: priorities have shifted, days blended into nights and nights into days, we started planning our holidays very differently, packing became a week-long activity rather than just 5 mins of throwing some stuff into a luggage, there were a lot of firsts - first smile, first tooth, first crawl, first step - and many new experiences, lots of laughter and joy as well as anxiety and tears.

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Lynn Lynn

Hello Spring!

One evening, around two weeks ago, I suddenly realised that something had shifted: we’d finally hit once again the season where we didn’t have to turn on the lights at dinner time and the sun was just setting when bedtime for the boys started. The dark winter days were finally coming to an end.

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Lynn Lynn

Insights from my first solo trip abroad without kids

For the first time since November 2018 - when I was about 4 months pregnant with my first child - I travelled on my own in January. While our children regularly spend a night or two with their grandmother and my husband and I go on a staycation once a year, this was the first time in a very long time that I actually got on an airplane without my family and spent three nights in another country. Here are some insights that I got during this travel.

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Lynn Lynn

I have a dream…

For a long time, I have struggled to find what my dream career would be like. I knew that I enjoyed working, that I had build up a career for myself, learned a lot throughout my studies but mostly beyond that, and that I did not see myself staying at home full time with my children, even though I love them from the bottom of my heart.

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Lynn Lynn

Self-care as a parent

Self-care seems to be a trending topic at the moment - among coaches as well as among parents. I am still learning a lot on self-care and discovering many new things as I go along. As parents, I feel that self-care is so important - as they say on the airplane, it’s about putting on your own oxygen mask before attending to your child. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we take care of the tiny humans that depend on us every day (and let’s face it, just suck all the energy out of us most of the time)?

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Lynn Lynn

Easing into the new year

New year, new me? While I love doing end of year reflections and setting goals for the new year, I have to admit that I have been stuck this time round. Sickness and travel made that I couldn’t get round to it before the end of 2022, and 2023 somehow have left me feeling uninspired. I have an overall ideas of what I want the new year to be like, what goals I would like to achieve - I’m just struggling to put pen to paper simply because there has been so much going on in my life with two little ones at home, a part-time job and a dream of a business that I would like to set up in the next 12 months.

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Lynn Lynn

A solo plane ride to Luxembourg

After cancelling several trips to Luxembourg to visit family and friends this year, I felt like October was the last opportunity for me to take the kids away for a bit longer. The little one will start nursery in November and we want him to go as regularly as possible in the next couple of months so that he really gets used to the new rhythm. So I bravely booked plane tickets for both kids and me…

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Lynn Lynn

Looking back on September

In a couple of days, another month of this year will be over and it’s officially autumn! I am quite conflicted about this season because I will always prefer a warm summer day over rainy and short autumn days, but at the same time, I quite enjoy the change of season. It feels like the start of something new, a season where everything once again becomes possible before winter hibernation. I’ll take this opportunity to reflect on the past month and set intentions for October.

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Lynn Lynn

That post-holidays blues

Getting back from our 3-week trip to Singapore hit me hard this time. For days, it felt like I hadn’t arrived in our home yet, that part of me was still more than 10’000 km on the other side of the world. In a way, it always feels a bit like that, juggling between two places, but somehow up until now, the grounding felt much easier.

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Lynn Lynn

4 places for meals with kids in Singapore

Since we‘ve had children, our food experience on holidays has changed a lot. These days, it includes more eating in, ordering take away or looking for restaurants with play areas. During our trip, we did manage to find some places that we as well as our kids enjoyed. They might not be the most fancy places, often the food was good to great but not amazing, yet they were a compromise for our whole family and gave us adults a few moments of quiet to enjoy our meal with the kids occupied.

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Lynn Lynn

On travel and adjusting to the kids

Since I was 2 years old, I‘ve regularly travelled to Singapore, most of the time with my parents, since 2011 more often with my husband and now with our two kids. They say when you travel with kids, you just shift your „work“ to another place. In a way, that‘s true - and yet, this trip is so much more, for us as well as for them.

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travel, parenting Lynn travel, parenting Lynn

Flying long haul with little kids

„Welcome to Singapore, Ladies and Gentlemen, and to all Singaporeans and residents of Singapore, a warm welcome home“. Two and a half years have passed since we last heard that sentence on a Singapore Airlines flight. At the end of 2019, we took our baby onto a 12h flight for his first Christmas and celebrated with friends on the other side of the world. Shortly after that, the pandemic hit. And now, we are back here, one pandemic and a baby later.

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Lynn Lynn

Regretting motherhood - or not?

I recently had a discussion with a friend about the regretting motherhood movement: women admitting that if they could, they would not do it all over again. Parenthood is hard, there is no doubt about it, and I think it’s amazing that women - or parents in general - dare to speak up about this topic. And that got me thinking about how I felt, especially now that I’m in this newborn chaos phase with two kids under 3, sleepless nights and days where I feel like I’m doing 100 things at once, but nothing really for myself or my self care.

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Lynn Lynn

The first 40 days

In many cultures, the first weeks after birth are a special period, a time where the family comes together to support the mother with her newborn, makes sure that she is taken care of and eats the right food that will help her recovery. My second pregnancy made me reflect on what I could do to make this postpartum period the easiest possible for myself.

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Lynn Lynn

Journaling through the newborn phase

No matter how long, complicated or easy the labour, giving birth is strenuous on your body! And it doesn’t end there, with the arrival of a new tiny human. Your body has been running marathons for months, survived the final leg… and now, it has to keep this little person alive. Read how journaling has helped me through this period.

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Lynn Lynn

Some personal thoughts on parenting

Parenting seems to be a delicate topic - just like pregnancy, everybody has an opinion on it and is convinced that they know best. I have hesitated to start this category on the blog - yet it is something that I feel passionate about. My aim is not to tell you what is right or wrong - because only you as a parent know that - but I would like to share my experience and with time also suggest some coaching exercises that might make the one or other reader reflect on their situation.

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